Tips on selling an old home

Whether you?re ready to upgrade to your dream house or downsize to a smaller home, selling your current house is priority number one. While your older home might have lots of character, it also might need some serious upgrades if you hope to achieve the most on the open market. Following are some tips on selling an old home:

  • Move from room to room, making any necessary repairs as you go. Look for everything from leaky faucets to cracked windows and make repairs before potential buyers come to take a look.
  • Improve your home?s curb appeal by cutting the grass, trimming bushes, replacing spent lightbulbs, painting the trim, etc. A little elbow grease will go a long way in making a good first impression.
  • If possible, have your home professionally staged to add eye-opening appeal. If professional staging isn?t in your budget, do it yourself by removing clutter and personal items such as photos and rearranging furniture to make the house more open and walkable.
  • Price your house correctly the first time by consulting with an experienced Realtor. Pricing too high could add weeks or even months before you get a serious offer.
  • If repair work is not in your budget, consider selling the house ?as is.? By doing so you likely won?t receive an offer that will knock your socks off, but it will likely open the buying process up to more buyers who might not mind a fixer-upper.

For more information and additional tips on selling an old home, please contact The Olear Team today!