Focus on improving the spaciousness of your home

NEW OLEAR BANNERThink your house looks small? Want to make it appear larger to potential buyers? Well, hang onto your tape measure because here are five helpful tips to make a ?big? impression!

? Hang some mirrors. Reflected space will give the illusion of more space. Reflected light can also brighten a room, and brighter rooms appear larger than dark rooms.

? Replace dark colors with lighter options. Lighter colors such as cream, light green, tan and soft yellow will help a room look larger than it actually is, while dark colors may make the room look smaller. This applies to everything from walls and rugs to furniture and throw pillows.

? Busy isn?t better. Bold and busy patterns can also make a room appear smaller. Once again, try to stick to softer, solid colors to add a feeling of spaciousness.

? Addition by subtraction. Naturally, too much furniture or oversized furniture will make any room feel cramped. If possible, remove a piece or two in an effort to show more floor.

? Height matters. Have a high ceiling? Show it off by adding a tall plant or a tall piece of furniture. The object here is to draw the eye upward!